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Oakhurst, CA 93644
United States


Wild Foraging

Wild Forage Walk

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.  - Doug Larson

This is a relaxing walk in our local mountain community pausing to identifying any edible wild foods, flora, and fungi as we go.   It’s amazing to see how much can be eaten in nature’s wild food larder. Uses and suitability regarding cooking or eating raw will be covered as will any cosmetic and medicinal qualities. The walk is over an approx distance of 1 mile and ends up back at the start point. (2/3 hours).

“Re-discovering the lost art of foraging is a joyous and pleasurable way to reconnect our fragmented souls back with Nature, back to the ancient roots of this land, and ultimately back to our true kinship with each other.

I believe individuals need to start learning ‘skills for self reliance’. We live in challenging times with climate change, peak oil, food security and sustainability being the new buzz-words.

The coming years on an individual and collective level will be challenging, it is up to us to face those changes directly, to re-empower ourselves and support each other. And the humble plant kingdom has a lot to teach us all.”

Robin Harford